We are pleased to announce that we have scholarships available for youth interested in attending
ITS Kids Science Camp this summer.
For youth in grades K-2:
We currently have three half-scholarships available for youth in grades K-2. These half-off scholarships can be applied to the Early Bird price of camp ($100) and will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. To apply for one of these scholarships, click
One of these scholarships is made available thanks to a generous donor from Classic Motors. As we receive more donations, we may be able to offer more scholarships, so please apply if you are at all interested in receiving a scholarship for the Summer 2015 ITS Kids Science Camp.
For more info, please contact Aris at aris.biederman@usu.edu or swing by the 4-H office.
For youth in grades 3-6:
We currently have one full scholarship and two half-scholarships available for youth in grades 3-6. These scholarships can be applied to the Early Bird price of camp ($100) and will be given out to the top three participants of the following scholarship competition:
On Saturday, May 2nd from 1PM-6PM at the Fairgrounds, we will be hosting a scholarship competition for youth in grades 3-6 who are interested in attending ITS Kids Science Camp. Youth will prepare a 3-5 minute presentation that provides a creative solution to the topic below and will be presented before a panel of judges.
Topic: Design a new or improved invention that solves a real-world problem of your choice. To really impress the panel of judges, use two or more areas of science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) to solve your chosen problem.
For example:
Problem: School assignments are way too long and boring.
Solution: If we had virtual reality homework assignments, they would be much more exciting. We could turn them in through an app on a smart phone.
Areas of STEM: Both virtual reality and smart phone apps fall into the technology category.
How do I sign up?
Youth in grades 3-6 may sign up
What if I can't attend on Saturday, May 2nd?
If you cannot attend but would still like to be considered for a scholarship, send a 3-5 minute video of your presentation by May 1st to seviercounty4-H@usu.edu
For more tips on presenting at 4-H competitions, check on
Facebook and the
Blog within the next few weeks. We will post several tips and hints to help you prepare your presentation.
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact Aris at aris.biederman@usu.edu or swing by the 4-H office at 250 N Main Richfield, UT 84701.