Friday, September 26, 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Enrollment starts October 1st!

2014-2015 4-H Year begins October 1st!

The new year is just around the corner - so, what?

That means, that it is time to re-enroll in 4-H! 

On September 30th, all records will become "inactive" in our online enrollment system and in order to benefit from the great things we have planned for 2014-2015, all youth and adult volunteers need to re-enroll.

Please wait until after October 1st but then please sign up early!  If you take care of it now, you'll be covered by 4-H accident insurance from now through next September, AND we will be able to keep in contact with you and keep you in the loop on upcoming events.

All the enrollment and re-enrollment instructions can be found HERE.  We look forward to another great 4-H year with you!

Coming Soon! 4-H FIRST LEGO League – Spring 2015

What is FIRST LEGO League?

FIRST LEGO League (FLL) is a national youth robotics competition coming soon to Sevier County 4-H. FLL introduces youth, ages 9 to 14, to real-world engineering challenges, inspiring future scientists and engineers. To read about past and future competitions, visit or

When will it start?

Sevier County 4-H will begin FIRST LEGO League in Spring 2015.

Who can participate?

Youth ages 9-14.

If you would like to receive support from your community 4-H club (including access to free robots and other related materials), youth must be enrolled in 4-H prior to participation. To enroll in 4-H, visit or visit our office at 250 North Main, Richfield, UT 84701.

I’m interested! How can I find out more?

New information about FIRST LEGO League (FLL) in Sevier County will be updated on the Sevier County 4-H blog ( and on the 4-H website ( Check back often for more info.

Until then… watch this quick video and get excited about FLL! Spring 2015 is right around the corner!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

4-H can get me a college scholarship? You bet!


There are several different ways the words "4-H" and "scholarship" go together.

  • By being an active member in our Jr/Teen Councils, youth can earn points toward scholarships to go to state and regional 4-H camps.
  • The Sevier County Teen Council offers up to three scholarships ($250, $500, and $750) to graduating seniors each year. Youth must be active in the Teen Council, submit an application in March/April of their senior year, and participate in an interview.
  • 4-H Livestock youth who have participated in the Southern Utah Junior Livestock Show will have access to their scholarship - check with us in March for an application.
  • By completing a 4-H Portfolio, youth can apply for a variety of scholarships to attend Utah State University (click HERE for more info)
  • 4-H youth in the Horse Project have access to the Utah 4-H Horse Council Scholarship which can be used toward college expenses at any college/university. (click HERE for more info)
  • The Daniels Fund scholarship is a great scholarship accessible to 4-H youth. (click HERE for more info)
  • The new Sevier County 4-H Grant program will be provide tools and support to high school youth as well.  (click HERE for more info)

Out-Shoot the Sheriff!

Outshoot the Sheriff

A Shooting Sports Contest to see if you can outshoot Sheriff Nate Curtis and some of his deputes!

October 3, 2014
2:00-5:00 pm
Sevier County Administration Building
Training Room
250 North Main, Richfield

Youth must be between 10-18 years of age and have a Hunter Education Card (Blue Card)
Any parent who would like to help with this activity is welcome!
For questions, please contact the 4-H Office at 435-893-0470

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

October Fab Friday

4-H October Fab Friday

Friday, October 3, 20142:00-5:00 PM
Sevier County Fairgrounds

SPACE STILL AVAILABLE! Spooky House Diva Style:  Ghostly lights to light up your haunted house.  You will make 3 projects in this class.  Bring a quart sized glass jar, and 5 toilet paper tubes.  Cost $15.00

Rockets!:  Need I say more?  Lance Larsen is back again to make model rockets that you will launch.  You can purchase additional rocket launchers at Larsen's Ace Hardware.  Moms and dads are welcome to come, too!  Cost $15.00

SPACE STILL AVAILABLE! The Witch is In:  A Halloween deco mesh wreath.  Cost $15.00

Meet Our Ghost:   BOO in wooden letters, and a falling leaves project.  Cost $15.00

SPACE STILL AVAILABLE! Fresh for Fall Loom Knit Scarves: Julia Parslow has returned ready to show you how to make a scarf for everyone's wish list.  Something warm for our cool weather.  Cost $15.00

SPACE STILL AVAILABLE! Cloverbuds (grades K-2):  Make a large spooky spider over 6 feet long, ghastly ghost prints, and a fall acorn.  Three projects in one class!  Cost $15.00 
DON'T FORGET - Fab Fridays are for youth grades 3-12.  The Cloverbud class is for youth grads K-2.  If you have any questions, please contact the 4-H Office at 435-893-0470.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sevier County Teen Council is where its AT!

What's going on in the 4-H Teen Council this year?

If you like to have fun, give service, be a leader, go on trips, meet new people, have fun (oh, did I say that already? WHOOPS!) then you definitely want to join the 4-H Teen or Jr. Teen Council!

Some of the fun things coming up this year:

  • A new punch card appreciation system - the more you are involved, the more punches you get on your card and the more you qualify for scholarships to trips and fun activities!
  • Junior Teen Adventure Camps - members of the Junior Teen Council have access to these exclusive FUN, leadership camps hosted by the Teen Council.  They will be November 12th, January 14th, and March 11th.  More info coming soon!
  • Service projects: the teen councils will be partnering with other community groups to do the Caroling for Canned Goods in December, a Kindness Campaign in February, and one more scheduled in April.
  • We'll also be doing county contests, portfolios and leadership training!
For more information about meeting dates and times, please email and we'll get you in touch with Nan Singleton, Sevier County 4-H Teen Council Adviser. 

Teen Leadership Training

There are still some spots for high school youth interested in going to Teen Leadership Training at USU on October 16-18th, 2014.  Registration is completed through and the deadline is September 30th - sign up today!

More information about this year's Teen Leadership Training can be found HERE.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Great things are coming!

It is time to celebrate!

Beginning in November 2014, Sevier County 4-H is going to GROW, big time!  We are excited to announce that we received funding to hire 6 additional staff who will recruit volunteers and members, and plan/deliver programs in literacy (K-2nd grade youth), science-technology-engineering-math (grades 3-8), and college readiness (grades 9-12).

Staff positions will be posted and advertised in October with hiring and training of new staff to begin in November.  This three year program will be a great boost to the 4-H program as we will be able to provide more for Sevier County youth and families.

Stay tune for more updates as we get the ball rolling!